What is Airsoft
Published on: 13/06/18
What is Airsoft, Have you ever thought about giving Airsoft a try but don’t know what it’s all about? You’ve come to the right place! We’ll tell you everything you need to know to get started, including some helpful tips for your first game.
Airsoft is a combat simulation sport similar to paintball, but instead of shooting paint pellets you shoot plastic pellets (otherwise known as BBs). It’s become very popular in the UK since starting in Japan in the 80s, and is a great way to bond with a group of mates.
Unlike paintball, there is more emphasis on realism, with replica magazine-fed weapons and military strategy. So if you’re a fan of FPS games like COD or Counter strike this will be right up your street! If Resident Evil is more your thing, there’s also loads of Zombie-themed Airsoft events happening up and down the UK.
First up, here are our answers to some commonly asked questions about Airsoft
Who can play?
As a team sport, Airsoft is suitable for anyone with a decent base level of fitness. There are age limits – most of the Airsoft sites in the UK have an age limit of 13 and will require either parental permission or a parent present if you’re under 16. Apart from that it’s great fun for everyone and anyone, especially Stag and Hen parties and corporate days out.
What do Airsoft guns shoot, and does it hurt?
Airsoft guns are usually replicas of real guns and have semi or automatic modes that shoot 6mm plastic pellets up to 150ft. Because Airsoft guns shoot their pellets at relatively slow speeds, they won’t do any damage. We reckon the pellets hurt a lot less than paintball ones, but you’d have to play both to find out!
If there’s no paint, how do others know if I’ve been hit?
They don’t! Airsoft games rely on people being honest and shouting ‘hit’ and raising their hand when they’ve been hit. Re-generation rules are pretty standard across the Airsoft community, and you won’t be out of the game for long even if you have been hit.
Is it expensive?
Prices vary depending on the complexity of the game, for example if it’s a ‘Milsims’ (Military Simulations) or involves Zombies! On average Airsoft is cheaper than paintball as the rounds of ammunition are much less expensive.
So by now you’re probably thinking you want to give Airsoft a go, right? It’s great fun and once you try it, we guarantee you’ll want to book another skirmish as soon as possible! Here’s four helpful tips to get the most out of your first game:
Airsoft FAQ
1. Equipment and clothing
Airsoft is primarily an outdoor sport so make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing that’s appropriate for the weather, and that you can run and crouch in. It also goes without saying that you should wear any protective clothing and goggles provided by the Airsoft venue.
2. Use your sights
While it might be tempting to shoot from the hip in a nonchalant cowboy manner, chances are you’ll miss your target! Using your sights will make it a lot easier for you to improve your accuracy quickly.
3. Think tactically
We could write a book on Airsoft tactics and strategy, but for beginners the main thing to remember is, stay low! While you’re still learning you want to be as small a target as possible.
4. Respect the honour system
Perhaps the most important element of Airsoft is the honesty policy – if you’re hit, you must let others know. Without this policy the whole game falls apart, so respect it and keep the game fun for everyone.
We hope that you enjoyed reading our article about What's Airsoft, the main question now is where can I find Airsoft missions and skirmishes near me? There are loads of Airsoft sites across the UK, offering immersive combat experiences and Zombie-themed missions. Take a look at our list of Airsoft sites here, or get in touch with us to find out more
- Read our Airsoft frequently asked questions (FAQs) - Click Here
We hope that you have enjoyed reading our article called What is Airsoft, and that you have found the information above include our FAQ page helpful in deciding on which venue you to choose.