World of Owls

World of Owls is based in Randalstown, County Antrim, and offers a professional and friendly team to help you have a great time and enjoy the experiences available.

At World of Owls you will find all of the below activities, facilities, and important information.

Activities at World of Owls include:

  • Bird of Prey and Exotic Animal Conservation Centre

    We have also included their opening times and contact details. If you have any questions, you can contact the venue directly.


    Activities available in this location


    Open Times

    Tuesday 12:30-15:00
    Wednesday 11:00-15:00
    Thursday 11:00-15:00
    Friday 11:00-15:00
    Saturday 11:00-15:00
    Sunday 11:00-15:00
    Open times may vary.


    028 9447 2307
    Randalstown Forest
    32 Mt Shalgus Lane
    County Antrim
    BT41 3LG

    Got Questions? Check out our FAQs!

    View FAQs
